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The Times

November 22, 2016


In this interview, Regina Spektor reflects on the challenges of living through turbulent times, drawing on her personal history as a Jewish immigrant from Soviet Russia and her artistic career. She candidly discusses the despair she feels about the rise of hate crimes and political polarization in the wake of Donald Trump's election, drawing parallels with her childhood experiences of antisemitism. Spektor delves into her creative process, highlighting her lyrical playfulness and ability to address heavy topics like illness, gender politics, and ageing. She shares admiration for Leonard Cohen, critiques Roger Waters' calls for cultural boycotts, and emphasizes the importance of breaking out of ideological echo chambers. Balancing humor with insight, Spektor presents herself as an artist deeply engaged with the world’s complexities while maintaining her individuality.

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The Times


The Times


November 22, 2016



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