Après Moi
"Après Moi" is a song orginally composed, performed, recorded, and released by Regina Spektor. The song was first performed live on 2004-06-29 at Sin-é in New York, NY. A demo of the song was recorded at the 2004 studio session on 2004-09-22.
"Après Moi" was first released on the LP Begin to Hope on 2006-06-13. Since its debut, "Après Moi" has featured prominently in live performances. Three of these performances were recorded and released, first on the EP Live at Lollapalooza 2007 EP in 2007, then on the EP iTunes Live from SoHo in 2009, and finally on the LP Live in London in 2010.
Peter Gabriel covered "Après Moi"on his 2010 LP Scratch My Back. He shared the stage with Regina for a performance of the song in Sesimbra, Portugal on 2012-07-07.
Official Releases
There are no known official releases associated with this song.
Music Videos
Live Performances
This song has no known live performances.
I (uh) must go on standing
You can't break that which isn't yours
I (uh) must go on standing
I'm not my own, it's not my choice
Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood
I (uh) must go on standing
You can't break that which isn't yours
I (uh) must go on standing
I'm not my own, it's not my choice
Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood
Fevrale dostat chernil I plakat
Pisat O Fevrale navsnryd
Poka grohochushaya slyakot
Vesnoyu charnoyu gorit
Vesnoyu charnoyu gorit
Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood
I (uh) must go on standing
You can't break that which isn't yours
I (are) must go on standing
I'm not my own, it's not my choice
I (uh) must go on stan-stan-ding-dong
You can't, can't break that, that
Which isn't, isn't yours, yours
Which isn't, isn't yours, yours
I'm not, not my own, own
It's not, not my choice, choice
Song Facts
Release Status:
Originally By:
Alternate Titles:
First Official Release:
First Live Performance:
Last Live Performance:
Song Stats
First Known Date:
Last Known Date:
Time Between First Known Date and Last Known Date:
Time Between First and Last Performance:
about 20 years and 3 months
# of Appearances on Official Releases:
# of Times Performed Live:
Themes & References
Media Features
• Peter Gabriel recorded a version of the song "Après Moi" on the album Scratch My Back released on 2010-02-12.
There are no known media features associated with this song.