Hello again! We weren't expecting to publish a new update so soon, but we had a flurry of contributions and wanted to strike while the iron was hot!
Some enterprising fans have pulled from deep in their archives and shared a huge amount of out-of-print (and previously thought lost) articles, features, and interviews from magazines and the early Internet. See below for the details!
New Additions - 91 Print Interviews/Articles
You can now check out an additional 91 interviews and articles from the Interviews page. While this does not reflect all of the interviews out there, it should cover a huge amount that we know about from about 2006 and before. Our goal is always to make this complete as possible, so over time we will add 2006 and later print media, but we wanted to prioritize the earliest stuff for now to ensure it does not become lost.
For each of these new contributions, we've added full transcripts of the original piece (which means they are also searchable) and any scans we could find, including photos. Lots of cool stuff in there! Some highlights:
2000-11-05 - The New York Times - this is the first ever mention we could find of Regina's music, her contribution to "Public Domain" in 2000. How cool!
2002-06-20 - antifolkonline.com - a super early (and hilarious) instant messaging interview which covers a lot of topics, including "the new CD Songs"
2004-02-07 - NME - Regina's first (of many) features in NME
2004-03-01 - Interview and 2004-03-01 - Dazed & Confused which both have great photos
2004-07-05 - Kings - a very cool article and photos from Kings which was featured in the Survival Guide to Soviet Kitsch
2017-05-23 - Meet Me in the Bathroom - excerpts from the book Meet Me in the Bathroom (which is fantastic by the way, please consider buying it from your local bookstore!) which feature Regina's thoughts about touring with The Strokes & Kings of Leon, as well as the making of Soviet Kitsch
2022-07-02 - The World Is Going to Love This - excerpts from Gordon Raphael's excellent book which goes into loads of detail about the making of Soviet Kitsch (again, please consider buying it from your local bookstore!)
There's a ton more, including some pretty funny ones, so go check it out!
Special shout out to srg and Seven Wonders for all of their help sourcing, scanning, researching, cataloging, and transcribing these print materials! Awesome job!
New Additions - Interviews
A couple quick additions to the archive...
2009 audio interviews
2009-05-20 - Xposure with John Kennedy - Regina talks about the making of Far
2009-06-20 - Lauren Laverne - we found out that this interview exists, but sadly we don't have any audio. If you can get ahold of the audio for this, please contact us!
2024 video interviews
2024-01-17 - pointblank Music School - our first interview not with Regina herself, Gordon Raphael discusses the making of Soviet Kitsch (covering a lot of the same content as his book)
New Feature - Download Transcripts
You can now download transcripts of anything feature on the Interviews page in .txt format! Just go to the interview/article you want, and click the "Download Transcript" button!
Upcoming Shows Reminder - Songs (and Other Songs) Shows - Chicago, IL and Los Angeles, CA
Just a reminder that there's still a chance to check out these phenomenal performances if you live in Chicago or LA. At the time of writing, there are still some tickets available for February 23rd show in LA and the March 4th show in Chicago! Get tickets here.
As always, if you plan to record, please send us a copy and we can host it on the site! Contact us here.
That's all for now!